Published on 02/24/2020
Nel vuoto
By Carsten Haese, Nathan Long, Charlotte Sable, and Andrew Villarrubia
This Article from: Moko
Translated by Sergio Leoni
Cranial Translation
Note: This article is over two years old. Information in this article may be out of date due to subsequent Oracle and/or rules changes. Proceed with caution.
Vi promettiamo che settimana prossima saremo di nuovo qui, e daremo uno sguardo ad Unsanctioned! Se avete specifiche domande a riguardo, o anche più generali, per favore inviatele via mail a o tweetate quelle più brevi a @CranialTweet. Uno dei nostri autori vi risponderà e la risposta potrebbe comparire in un futuro articolo!
Grazie per la lettura e a settimana prossima!
About the Author:
Moko was born in Tanzania, and died in a tragic accident involving a catapult while being transported from Eli Shiffrin to Thijs van Ommen between the first two Cranial Insertion articles. Subsequently zombified, he helps sort their mail and occasionally answers questions. His pastimes include bananas and brains. Mmm brains.
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