The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
Happy Platinum Anniversary!
Cranial Insertion is turning twenty years old this week and we're taking a trip down memory lane, so join us in this week's celebratory issue of Cranial Insertion!
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A Very Green Day
It's Saint Patrick's Day and the CI offices have been painted green, so join us in this week's verdant issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Trample pig, trample pig, don't attack wolf shout!
Justin has questions about trample and what happens if the third little pig got revenge on that big bad wolf.
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Digging Into My Backlog
Nathan is getting an early start on spring cleaning and is tackling a backlog of questions that has built up, so join us in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!
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The Greatest Snowman
Did we really need another pun about snow?The Cranial Insertion offices are covered in snow, but the snow, I mean show, must go on. Join us as we warm ourselves by the heat of your burning questions in this week's snowy issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Keep Portland Weirdly About Magic
Justin has returned from another tournament with a notebook full of questions, so join us as we answer real-life judge questions in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!
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We're Going the Distance
We're taking our first look at Aetherdrift today, so start your engines and join us in this week's fast-paced issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Moko's Sing-Along Rules Blog
Into the inbox without delay, but careful not to lose the way!
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Georgia, the Spotlight's on You
Justin went to Georgia. Not sure which he did more, hand out rulings or eat.Justin has returned from judging in Georgia with a belly full of food and a notebook full of questions. Read all about his adventures in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Innistrad Redux
We're returning to the plane of Innistrad to celebrate the upcoming release of Innistrad Remastered, so join us in this week's frighteningly exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Resolving Resolutions
Our new year's resolution is to keep answering your rules questions, so join us as we do just that in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Don't Copy Me Bro
Justin concludes his ongoing series of topics that any Level 1 Judge should know by going over the various ways in which spells can be copied, so join us in this week's educational issue of Cranial Insertion!
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