The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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Merry Quizmas!
Quizmas is just past Chanukah is still going strong. Questions abound, maybe even frolic with reindeer, in this special holiday edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Eight Monkeys
or, Do Not Set Monkeys on FireDecking the halls and making merry with plenty of rules questions! All of this and more in store in this pre-holiday addition of Cranial Insertion!
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Forty Candles
One Year Older, One Year Wiser?Join us as we break out our candelabras (of Tawnos) and celebrate another year with Carsten on this eve of his birthday! Oh, yeah and lets not forget more rules question fun than any of us can handle, in yet another exciting pre-holiday edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Planechase 2.0
Planeswalk over to another plane chasing edition of Cranial Insertion! With plenty of chaos triggers and rules questions for your enjoyment!
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Gobbling Bombardment
or, Wild Turkey ShotsGravy, stuffing, turkey, and rules run a fowl with yet another thankful edition of Cranial Insertion. Once again here for your rules question loving enjoyment!
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It's the end of Worlds as we know it
(And I feel fine)Moving on to a new year of Magic, which has several start points to its years!
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There are Games Besides Magic?
Come take some time away from dragon slaying and read about some other creature types! It is time for Cranial Insertion with all the rules fun you can handle!
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Remember, Remember
or, The Seventh of November Is Not InterestingNothing going on here, just another bunch of miss-coordinated stunts and may-haps a bunch of pithy responses to some really good rules questions! Be sure to read the latest issue of Cranial Insertion to spice up your Monday!
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Gourd Evening!
or, Happy Halloween!Bad puns, pop-culture references, and Carsten in a bath robe and towel... oh my! It must be Cranial Insertion Halloween edition with hauntingly fun rules questions for the whole family (undead or alive)!
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All Hallow's Eve... Eve
The spooktacular rules question fun continues as we ramp up toward Halloween here in the States with our Cranial Insertion pre-All Hallow's Eve edition!
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The Title without a Pun
or, Thanks to Our Translators!Puns and punishment, not here! This weeks article features great rules questions everyone wants to know the answers to about Innistrad!
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The Kessig Trepanation Blade Massacre
"Skinleather Mask" might just be a little too dark to print, but gives the best results when trepanning.
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The Morning Sun has Vanquished the Horrible Night
You know, the Japanese seem to think spelling 'Dracula' backwards is really clever for some reason.
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Triple-Faced Cards Will Kill Magic!
But quadruple-faced quantum-fluxing cards will save it.
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Deep Analysis
or, This Pun Seems to Be BrokenMoko is looking forward to more zombie buddies.
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or, All the Cool Kids Are Doing ItIf a creature has landwalk and haste, could we say it has landrun?
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Pro Tour-Walk
This creature is unblockable if it is attending a Pro Tour.
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or, Greetings from PittsburghCarsten's been a' burrowin'.
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Dog Day Sunrise
or, Wait, Where Did the Last Seven Months Go?If dogs have days, do cats have nights?
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Magic on the Beach
This isn't the name of an alcoholic mixed drink. YET.
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Brave New Standard
The end is near... if you have one mana to use your Sundial, at least!
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Magic and the Mayan Apocalypse
or, Does Anyone Still Believe in That?Note we haven't done a 'Twelve Days of Christmas' riff for M12. You're welcome.
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WURBG, but More WUR Today
WUR are popular colors in the US. And France. And Russia...
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Profane Commander
or, I hope MaRo didn't think of that oneThe most profane commander is actually Reveka, Wizard Savant. Little lady has a dirty mouth.
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Word of Commander
or, Commander? I Just Met 'ErIn researching this article, we googled for 'commander data,' but all we got was Star Trek stuff.
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Goodbye EDH!
While EDH is shorter to type, it has the same number of syllables as Commander. At least, in English.
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The Wrath of Karn
or, To boldly go where no monkey has gone beforeI'll chase him round the Moons of Mirrodin, and round the Alara Maelstrom, and round Naar Isle's flames before I give him up!
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Cranial Insertion and the Holy Grail
or, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life's FinaleA moose once bit my sister...
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Phyrexian Unlife, Mirror Universe, and Everything
Mostly Harmful.
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Mirrodin Pure Evil
or, Rotten to the CoreYou see what we did there? With the title?
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All Will Be One
or, Hail Moko, Father of MonkeysDon't you see how tragic the Phyrexians are? After all, All Will Be One, but One is the loneliest number... I think Phyrexia needs a hug.
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Or, You may write a column as though you were another columnist with the same pay grade. (Pay grade includes benefits.)You may write a column as though you were another columnist with the same pay grade. (Pay grade includes benefits.)
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Eggs Over Easy, Questions Over Complicated
Phyrexian eggs, part of this compleat breakfast!
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Frequently Asked Questions
and some infrequently asked questions, tooNot including frequently asked questions that are just meant to antagonize judges. Stop acting like banding is confusing or something!
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Perfection Made Text
or, The Father of Machines Is ComingOur monkeys call out to the lost and the broken. They fear simian zombies, even as we offer immortality.
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@CranialTweet #RulesQuestions #WarpWorld
I know the term for a single twitter post is a 'tweet,' but I very much wish they'd gone with a stronger bird noise, like 'quack.' No, I don't have a point. Quack.
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Iron Anniversary
or, yay, even more metal puns!Don't fear us, we're ferrous.
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Banana Equivalent Dosage
or, Potassium-40 Makes You SmartHappy Bananaversary!
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Back to Reality
or, No more monkeying around!But if you have your back to reality, what are you facing?
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Go for the Goat
or, Viva el Goatnapper!Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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You've Besieged My Heart
How do you melt a heart that's made of stone? Just add Myr.
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Into the Deep End
or, Don't Drown in the Knowledge Pool!Remember to keep your Knowledge Pools nicely chlorinated!
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Mirrodin Bee Sieged
or, Bzz Bzzzz Bz Bzz BzzzNot the bees! No! Noaaaagha!
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Mathemagics 2!
Mathemagics 2: Tokyo Drifting to the Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back (and Your Sister is a Werewolf)
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New Year's Resolution
or, Good, No One Countered ItRandom factoid: 01-10-11 is binary for 1-2-3. Your day has been enriched with this knowledge.
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Happy New Myr!
or, Here's to another year of reckless punsThere's a festive New Year ball drop on Mirrodin, too. Only the ball is the Mirari, and thousands are killed. Still lots of drinking though.
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