The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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All Crazy Teenagers
Not to Be Confused with Those Crazy TeenagersThe world is ending and Moko was let out to write yet another article, this time about some crazy teens. Wait... what? That was two weeks ago, only the year this time? And no, actual teens are involved with the article, just something about spells? Okay then, read on for this weeks amazing edition of Cranial Insertion!
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'Twas the night before Christmas...
Christmas is upon us and James is gifting everyone with the best thing possible... answers to their rules questions! Join us for the festivities in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Museum of Modern Card Interactions
Hey, everyone it is that time again! Time for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion. Join Carsten this week for some Modern musings!
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Where the Bunnies Roam
or, Getting Inside Your HeadJoin Eli as he takes a journey into the inner workings of the brain. Oh, yeah and he answers some rules questions along the way! Read on with this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Blow, thou winter wind
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Ravnica: City of Cats
or, I Can Has Shockland? (4 Comments)Translations:

An Arsenal of Goodies
(not the football kind)With the recent release of Commanders Arsenal we have some commanding rules questions for everyone! Join us in this weeks thrilling edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The illustrious and great Niv Mizzet will guide you through his factories and show off his most wondrous experiments. Oh, yeah, and he might just answer some rules questions too. Join us with this weeks homage to Izzet! Warning some things might explode.
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A Matter of Life and Death
or, Endings Are Just Beginnings (2 Comments)Translations:

Dead Man's Party
or, Leave Your Body at the DoorThe party is heating up! This week is Rakdos week here on Cranial Insertion so unleash your thirst for rules knowledge and head on inside!
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Technically Correct
or, The Best Kind of Correct (2 Comments)Translations:

Group Therapy
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City Lights
or, Flaming Goblins in the SkyBack in the City again! With the prereleases just finishing up and the release events coming up Ravnica is in full swing. Join us as we Return to Ravnica in this weeks Cranial Insertion!
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Standard's Last Gleaming
or, You Spin Me Right RoundRound and round we go, like a record baby! Rotation season is in full swing as we spin ourselves dizzy on preexisting rules questions. So join james on his revolutionary journey around the CR in this weeks exciting Cranial Insertion!
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Falling into Autumn
Leaves starting to fall from the trees and that can only mean one thing! Autumn is in the air, no new Magic sets, of course! Alas as we wait for the Return to Ravinca, Carsten takes us through some freshly fallen (in our inboxes) rules questions!
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Spin Cycle
Doing laundry has never been so much fun. Or mentally devastating.
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Raining Cats and Dogs
but Mostly Cats (6 Comments)Translations:

Realms... Charted?
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Around the World in Three Days
Join us as we travel the world. In the wake of the Magic World Cup, James takes us on a journey of rules questions!
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We Will Be Heroes
or, Yes, Hero of Bladehold Gets Exalted (1 Comment)Translations:

The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas
(or, if you prefer, a miasma of incandescent plasma)With the sun shining down it is hot, hot, hot! Just like this edition of Cranial Insertion, so join us inside with some mind melting rules questions!
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Summer Games
Welcome back to the Olympic Games, and this time we take you to the Magic Triathlon, this event consists of... wait, that is not a real event. Okay back to you Carsten with this weeks Cranial Insertion!
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Black and White and Red All Over
or, Sunburnt ZebrasIt is quizzically wonderful, or is that wonderfully quizzical, what Moko can do with questions! Time to put down that eReader and check out this weeks Cranial Insertion! Read on for this weeks exciting article and test your knowledge!
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A Cycle of Rings
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Thirteen by Thirteen
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Lucky M13
or, Que Serra SerraWith the M13 prerelease just under our belts its that time for Eli to tackle all of those burning rules questions!
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Born on the Fourth of July
(or, ooh, look at the explosions!)It is an explosive celebration! Join James as we celebrate the 4th of July by liberating all those rules questions Cranial Insertion style!
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And the livin' is easy (6 Comments)Translations:

Eternally Yours
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CI vs Megashark vs Giant Octopus
or, Deep in the AsylumIs that a Deep-Sea Kraken on the horizon over there? Nope, that is just some Mystic Snakes on a Train. Read on as Eli gives a tribute to budget giant monster flicks, oh yeah, and answers rules questions too!
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Planeswalking on Sunshine
(and don't it feel good!)Back from his recent journey through the Second Sunrise of Planechase, Carsten takes us through the exciting interactions of the new release! Read on to find out what feel good rules questions await!
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Sound the Horns!
(or, what's that buzzing noise?)Come on in and raise a cup along with James while he plays his vuvuzela and answers all your rules questions! It is Magic World Cup fever here at Cranial Insertion, read on!
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Calling All Angels
or, Sorry, Wrong Number (5 Comments)Translations:

The Human League
or, Of Extraordinary GentlemenDon't you want me... to explain some rules? There definitely is a Fascination with rules going on here in this weeks extraordinary edition of Cranial Insertion!
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My Angel's Back
(and you're gonna be in trouble)The Helvault has been shattered, Avacyn has been restored, and it's time once again to be touched by the better angels of our nature. Or, at least, by some questions!
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If Life Gives You Demons
or, Make DemonadeSince summertime is getting underway what better marriage than Cranial Insertion and Avacyn Restored? Find out what soulbonding adventures await, so grab a nice tall glass of iced demonade!? and read on with this weeks Cranial Insertion!
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Waiting for Avacyn
Still waiting for Avacyn Restored? Want to know what is in the Hellvaults? Well, so do we! In the meantime join us once again in our pre-prerelease article partying with all of the usual rules questions you know and love!
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Thanks for All the Questions
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What's in the Box?
or, Seven Deadly MonkeysA box full of surprises and all those rules questions you know and love, in this edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Day after April Fools' Day
or, Just Another Magic MondayLots and lots of questions on Legacy Weapon in this exciting edition of, what was that? Legacy the format you say... Lots and lots of Legacy, the format, questions and nary a Legacy Weapon in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Copper Anniversary!
Copper and wool, oh my! We have prepared an exciting anniversary article full of special metallic and cloth rules questions! Okay they are just normal rules questions, in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Oxidda Loxodon Mox Paradox
or, X Marks the SpotIt's time to lock up the house and turn out the lights, but not before we cross some mountainous elephants!
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Dawn of the Undead
Creatures undying all around us, what are we todo? Why, read this weeks Cranial Insertion, of course! This weeks edition with the standard compliment of zombies, humans, brains, and oh yeah, rules questions too!
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Monday the 13th
Unlucky Monday the 13th? This weeks article features heartfelt rules questions, in this our Valentine edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Undying Questions
or, Decreasing ConfusionLittle-known fact: Increasing Confusion's art was based off of our inbox. Moko is down there somewhere.
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Bad Moon on the Rise
or, One Eye is Taken for Jar of EyeballsWhat is that noise I hear!?! Oh, it is just some CCR playing while Eli answers some scary rules questions! Join us in this for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Almost Dark Ascension!
Smacking Cultists for fun and profit!
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Question Salad
Chef Carsten is at it again with his New Years resolutions; including eating right, exercise and reading lots and lots of Cranial Insertion! Join us for this feast of rules questions!
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