The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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It's The End Of The Year As We Know It
(and I feel fine)New Years is fast approaching as the other holidays are now in the rear view, we take a look at our inboxes once again! As we try to clear out all those rules questions that have piled up over the past year in preparation for all those new questions that will come with the advent of the new year, we have prepared yet another fantastic article for you! So read on in this the last article of 2021 in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like... Wait, what, it's December?
Holiday cheer is spreading around the office, and Moko is chomping at the bit to do some redecorating for the season. Despite us trying to reign in Moko's holiday cheer, the fountains of bleeding skulls were a bit much for us, we still had enough cheer left in us to put out yet another article chock full of answers to those pesky rules questions burning in holiday lists! So read on in this week's festive edition of Cranial Insertion!
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End of Year Quiz
Another year almost done and gone, its time we see just how much you have learned.
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See You Space Cowboy
Howdy Cowboy's! Time for some us to rustle up those rules questions and get you some answers to those burning questions! So let us jump right in and fire up those engines in this weeks adventurous edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Holidazed and Confused
The holidays are arriving in full force! We are decorating the halls and preparing our studios, Moko is especially excited in hopes he can finally get that new set of bones he has wanted! We have put yet another fantastic article together to fulfill all your rules question needs to take you through all the exciting times. So join us in this delightfully decorative edition of Cranial Insertion!
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I now pronounce you Bride and Gloom
Wedding preparations are here! We here at the CI offices have been busy putting together the bundles of rice, ensuring enough vats of blood are available and a myriad of other sundries for the wedding of the eternity! To that end we know you have questions you need answered to prepare for the decadent occasion so read on in this week’s opulent edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Don't COUNT me out!
Are you ready for a bloody good time? It's time for our first look at Innistrad: Crimson Vow, so join us for this week's toothy edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Three Months of Halloween
Who does not love more Halloween? We are spending all of our efforts extending and expanding the evening of all hallows! So as we continue to hand out the ticks we have put together an extra special treat of an article for you this week! So join us for this week's hauntingly exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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November Rain
Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games! We got everything you want, all those rules questions and answers. So we jump on the nightrain to head down toward Paradise City where the grass is green. By now you have probably run out of patience for those answers and thus will need to read on, sweet child o' mine, in this week's edition of Cranial Insertion!
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This Article Is a No Bones Article
This week are are dropping all the pretenses and providing nothing but straight up answers to all of those rules questions you have burning in your minds! So we have put together yet another article on the up and up, clean and simple. So read on in this week's no frills edition of Cranial Insertion! Or did they mean they left all of the physical bones from this week's article?
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Angels Fan: A Remembrance
This week we take a look at those glorious angelic beings of Magic! So we have dusted off our rule books to answer those pesky rules interactions that have been bothering you and stopping your summoning of those radiant beings of Magic. So join us in this weeks effulgent edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Fall Colors
Fall is here and the leaves are changing colors once again! So we have turned over a new leaf, changed our colors, and prepared yet another fantastic article chock full of those fall rules questions you have burning in the back of your minds! So join us for this week's autumnal edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Happy Spooktober!
October has arrived and so has Innistrad Midnight Haunt! So we have broken out our best costumes and decked ourselves out to answer those pesky rules questions! So join us as we scare up yet another fantastic article and read on in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A werewolf is steering a submarine
The thrilling tale of Captain Harry McHowlsThis week, we're digging into some hairy questions about Midnight Hunt. There's action! There's intrigue! There's niche references!
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A Midnight Monster Mash
We are ready for the graveyard smash, are you?
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Flashback to Innistrad
Innistrad is back and we are flashing in the answers to those rules questions that have stuffed our inboxes! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Pumpkin Spice Quiz
It is that time of year again! Yes, time for Pumpkin Spice to return to our lattes and dognuts and all those other goodies we know and love! Of course we cannot leave it out of our articles either, so we have spiced up this week's quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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An Article For Me
The Enigma of Cranial InsertionThe earth is shaking and with it all the questions are falling out of our mailbox. So we have taken a smattering of those and thrown them against the wall with responses to make up this unquestionable article. Unquestionably exciting that is! So join us in this week's mysterious edition of Cranial Insertion to see what we answer this time!
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Commander and Conquer III
I like my commander decks, and I like answering Magic Rules questions, so lets meld those two things together and answer rules questions about my commander decks.
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Upgrading Moko
We have been working overtime, pulling late nights and drinking tons of coffee, in order to revamp and enhance Moko! These upgrades will make Moko better, faster, and more mentally unstable all the better to answer your rules questions! So join us and see the fruits of our labour! In this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Meaty Oars
This week we start to take a look at the weather patterns of the Forgotten Realms. Those north westerly winds from Icewindale flowing down over Baldur's Gate causing a storm front to brew. Join us for this week's predictive edition of Cranial Insertion, where we try and forecast all of the answers to your rules questions!
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I Am the Adventurer That Will Pierce the Dungeons!
Welcome to the land of Zo... I mean, the Forgotten Realms. Here you can find such wondrous locals as Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale along with many others on the Sword Coast! With Adventures in the Forgotten Realms making a splash on shelves and in standard, you have packed our inboxes once again. So we take on the challenge and respond to many of those questions you are going to need to arm yourself to make it through the adventure successfully! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Dungeons and Dragons and Beholders, Oh My!
There are many dangers in the Forgotten Realms and with the help of Dorthy and Toto, we shall prevail.
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You See An Inn
The Dungeons and Dragons prereleases are in the books. So we have packed an exciting article chock full of those pesky rules questions that had you lost on your delve into the dungeon this past weekend. Read on in this week's adventurous edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Imagine Dungeons & Dragons
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms are on the horizon so we take a moment to answer all those rules questions you still have burning before the new set drops! So read on in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?
Firework celebrations are happening all over the US and we have brought some fireworks of our own. Once again we have readied up an explosive combination of rules questions and answers for you the reader! So join us in this week's thrilling edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Summer Time Mail Bag
Time to get to basics, answering fan questions in a simple mail bag article.
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Modern (Horizons) Rules Problems
All of these new rules are giving you fits, and we have the answers you need! We have put together yet another concoction of answers to those pesky rules questions burning in your mind! So join us for yet another fantastic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Postmodern Horizons
Modern Horizons prereleases are in the books and we have put together yet another thought provoking article for your reading pleasure! This time we tackle a number of those pesky rules questions that probably came up during your brewing with all of those fantastic MH2 cards that you are on the verge of getting your hands on! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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2 Moderns 2 Horizons
Fire up the engines and kick it into high gear, pop the clutch and lets roll out! We have Modern Horizons 2 burning rubber down the fast lane in 5th gear! So checkout this week's high octane article to prepare you for all the high speed action that is coming your way in this blazing hot edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Don't Replace My Trigger
Multiple triggers can be tricky, so can multiple replacement effects, and to make things trickier both are handled differently.
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Ode to the Judgecast
This week we are giving a shout out to the most judge related podcast JudgeCast! We have stuffed this article full of topics that Judge cast can wax upon to the delight of their fans! So join us once again for this week's exciting episode of Judge... I mean, Cranial Insertion!
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Pop Quiz!
It's time to show off what you've learned so far in Strixhaven. That's right, it's a pop quiz! Watch out for sharks and spells gone wrong, and join us to test your knowledge in this week's quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Yeah, I'm Thinking I'm Back
We are back at it again, with Moko once again risen from his grave (where else would a zombie monkey wake up from in the morning?). We have once again put together a spectacular edition packed full of all of those answers you have been seeking! So read on in this week's resurrected edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Study Hall, Detention, and Make Up Tests
School can be tough, but its worth the work.
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Class is Back in Session
The classroom is ready and the students have all sharpened their pencils! So we have prepared another lesson chock full of those pesky rules questions burning on your mind. So join us for yet another educational edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Professor Onyx's Home for Superb Owls
Welcome one and all, as this years incoming class we have a number of things to teach you! So please pay close attention otherwise you might end up as part of some unfortunate experiment, and yes there will be a quiz on all of this at the end! So join us for this week's didactic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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It's a Mystical Day in this Neighborhood.
With Strixhaven just around the corner, lets take a look at the Mystical Archive that is included in the set.
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April Showers
Spring is here and things are heating up so we have put together another fiery article just for you! So come on and join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Moko's Sweet Sixteen
This article has spent sixteen years in the making! It is the CI anniversary article, and we have jam packed this edition with all of the answers to those pesky rules questions you have! So join us as we get our party hats on and celebrate in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more balloons!
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Modal Double Faced Cards & Where to Find Them
Modal Double-Faced Cards are little strange, so lets dig deep and learn all about them.
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Let's Do the Time Spiral Again!
Time Spiral remastered is spoiled and ready to hit shelves, so we take a look at those burning questions you have remastered and now in full HD! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion as we spiral into the hottest rules answers you need to crush your opponents again!
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In the Real World
Playing in the real world back from the throws of VR, we take on those pesky rules questions you have! So join in in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Rules They Are A-Changin'
The Rules They Are A-Changin' But We Keep Up With Them.
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Jumping on the Banned Wagon
Wizards has dropped a doozy of a ban announcement, and we go over some of the impacts of that announcement in answer to your rules questions! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion now with mode deck diversity than ever!
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Puns N' Roses
We got fun and games! This week we as we ride the night train we have put together one of our famous quiz articles that will tease and test your knowledge of those tricky rules interactions you have been so thoroughly trying to work out! So join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Tell me who you are gonna believe!
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Kaldheim Runesmithing
Runes are very important on Kaldheim. Creating Runes I imagine is hard work. Lets honor this tradition by spending some hard work answer rules questions all about Kaldheim.
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There's No Business Like Snow Business
With the release of Kaldheim things in the CI office have started to heat up, so in order to cool them off we have taken a load of your questions and jam packed them into this week's article! So read on in this week's chilly edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Quiz on Ice
The quiz master Moko is back at it again bringing you yet another test of your skills with those burning rules questions and answers. So read on to test your mettle in this week's quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Calm before the Viking Storm
Some fear Viking invasions, I mostly try to live for today.
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Topsy Turvy
Maybe Start Reading This One From The BottomSo read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Moko got a hold of the mailboxes and started shuffling things around. We are starting off the year upside down and backward here in the CI offices.
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New Year, Who Dis?
It is a new year and with that comes new opportunities, new sets of cards, new questions, and we are kicking the year off right with yet another fantastic article chock full of the answers to your rules questions! So read on in this week's celebratory edition of Cranial Insertion!
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