The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
Year's End
The year is over, and for many of us it could have arrived faster.
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Happy Holidays!
The holidays are here and with it we bring great tidings of joy and cheer! To that end we have cooked up yet another fantastic article chock full of answers to those rules questions that have been keeping you up late at night instead of dreaming of sugar plums dancing. So read on in this week's exhilarating edition of Cranial Insertion!
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One Year Older
With another birthday under the belt and some nostalgia hanging in the air, we take a peek back at your rules questions and post answers to those, so we leave no regrets as we continue down the road of life. So come celebrate with us and enjoy our gift to you, in this week's edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Banned, But Not Forgotten.
Many a card in MTG has been banned or restricted. These cards although hidden away, still deserve a little love.
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Legen... Wait for it... Dary
Commander Legends has hit the shelves and you have hit our inboxes with all of those fantastic questions. So we have geared up and buckled down to answer as many of those questions as we could jam pack into a single article! So join us for this week's mythical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Legendary Leftovers
The legend continues as we take a peek at some of those fantastical cards coming from the new set Commander Legends! With all of that legendary might pulling its weight around you have more questions than ever, so we have broken out the big guns this week and put out mettle to the test to once again answer all of those questions to satisfy your curiosity. So join us for this week's legendary edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Commander & Conquer 2
Commander Legends doubles up on commanders, so we will double up on questions about commanders.
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With flu season approaching and Coronavirus being an ongoing problem, we at Cranial Insertion are spending more time indoors, which gives us the opportunity to catch up on our favorite TV shows and to answer your rules questions. Join us for this week's watchful edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Halloween is past us and we are chancing our clocks and settling in with all of those letters you are sending us to answer yet another set of those rules questions you have burning. So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, now with one extra hour!
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Trick or Treat Bag 2020
Kids in spooky costumes have many a rules question, and if I don't get too distracted by how neat they look, I may have an answer or two.
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Among Us
Who is an imposter who and who is not? Join us and take a ride through the rules of MtG to prepare yourself with the knowledge you will need. So as we try and determine who has infiltrated our ranks and is trying to kill us all we arm ourselves with the best knowledge we have to defeat our opponents, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Equiznox 3: Better Late Than Never!
This is it! The time of year that you have been waiting for it is happening once again! We here at the Cranial Insertion offices have been waiting for this and Moko has been plotting all year to put together the most devious of those questions for you to answer! In this reversal of roles quiz article to test your knowledge of those pesky MtG rules! So join us for this weeks exciting edition!
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Questioning Dead
As it turns out, zombies aren't just hungry for brains, some are hungry for answers too.
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Making Landfall
Zendikar Rising has hit the shelves! So with that we have cracked open our mailboxes and pulled out those questions that have floated over our way! Putting together that flood of questions that come with a new set is always a challenge, that we take on every time! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Party Rock Anthem
We are here to rock and roll! Bringing down the house with answers to those questions you have about some upcoming cards from the fantastic new set Zendikar Rising! So join us for this week's heavy article chock full of all those answers you need to get the juices flowing and the sound turned up!
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Postman is here, come get your mail!
The mail is here, and we have yet another serving of information jam packed into this week's article! So grab your best reading spec and start turning the pages, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Are You Ready For Some Football?
Football season is gearing up again and as the NFL teams prepare to start their season, we have prepared yet another fantastic article for you. So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Back to School, 5th Edition
Now with a Slightly Updated ForewordIt is that time again, dust off your textbooks, buy some new notebooks, pencils, erasers, pens, and all those other supplies to gear up and gain some knowledge! The same goes for us here at the CI offices, we have prepares some lovely information to help educate you in the rules of Magic, so you can go forth and conquer all of your foes! So join us for this weeks didactic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Double, double toil and trouble
When witches brew double the trouble, when writers brew double the articles!
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A Summer's Break
Summer doldrums got you down, while you are waiting for the Fall set? Have we got the answer for you! That is all the answers to those rules questions you had! So join us as we brew up some clever concoction of answers to those questions that have been heating up your summer MtG action!
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Doubling Season's Greetings!
This week we take a look at the shiny new cards released in Double Masters!! This week we take a look at the shiny new cards released in Double Masters!! Wait, we already did that once! Seems like there is double trouble boiling up with the latest cards from Double Masters, so read on to find out all the answers you will need to arm yourself with in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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They say its your birthday!
We are having a party, balloons, cake, blowing out the candles, the whole ball of wax in celebration of our writer Justin's birthday! Of course there are a few provisos, quid pro quo, etc. given Coronavirus is still around, so we respectfully request you wear a mask and maintain proper social distancing while reading and enjoying this week's celebratory edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Just Milling Around
This week we take you on a journey through some of the latest M21 cards that we have found just laying about the offices. So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more cards in your graveyard, than ever.
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Dogs and Cats, and Dinosaurs, Oh My!
Somewhere over the rainbow, the latest cards have arrived from Jumpstart! So we take a moment to answer all of your questions from the latest and greatest. Pay no mind to the the happenings beyond the curtain. No there certainly is not a zombie monkey behind the curtain, just look over here at all the great rules questions being answered! Join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Accelerated Answers for Quick Questions
We are picking up the pace, quickening the response time, speeding up the results! Trying to get articles to you more efficiently and quickly with all the top notch content that you have come to know and love from Cranial Insertion! So read on in this week's unequivocally expedient edition!
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Of Ogres & Onions
What do cakes, parfaits, onions, and ogres have in common? They all have layers, as does this article! Tons of Layers and tons of ogres.
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This week we review some of the finer species of canine, as we delve deep into what makes dogs some of the cutest animals! Wait, what... the article is still about Magic rules? Ahem, as M21 drops join us where cats and dogs living together are causing mass hysteria! Read on, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Summer Solsquiz 2
It is that time again! That is right time for the seasonal quiz article! This time we have jam packed it with all the most challenging questions, the best jokes, and funniest puns we could bring to bear! So join us for this weeks, exciting edition of Cranial Insertion quiz edition!!!!
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Requiem for a Commander
With all the recent updates we are taking a look at some of the deeper mysteries of Commander and answering those burning rules questions. So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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You guys I'm like really smart now.
You don't even know. You could ask me, Andrew what's the biggest power/toughness aura in the game? And I'd be like, 'blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah.' Giving you the exact right answer.Here at the CI offices we are always preparing, learning, and responding to all your rules questions and answers! The most important thing to remember is where all the files are, in the computer! The files are in the computer! So join us for this week's intellectually advanced edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Times flies when you're having fun! We've zoomed past May and we're into June already, and the Cranial Insertion offices are heating up with all the burning questions you've sent in. So sit back, relax, enjoy a cool drink and join us for this week's refreshing edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Akroma's Memorial Day Sale
or, Furiously Slashing PricesFire up the Improbability Drive! Break out those questions to life, the universe, and everything because we have the answers! 42 of course! Well, that is to Magic related rules we have all the answers! So join us for another improbably good edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Mutation Nation
The giant monsters are warping and mutating everything around them. The plane of Ikoria is bursting with a feverish energy altering the very fundamental DNA of its inhabitants! We have taken some of that energy and applied it to those pesky rules questions you have desired for answers! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Neon Genesis Mutate a Lion
The monsters of Ikoria are roaming and we have consulted with the Dead Sea Scrolls, while Seele continues to plot and scheme. If only we had someone like the first child to call upon and save us, alas we are going to have to rely on our vast rules knowledge to answer these questions! So join us for this week's mega edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Real Monster
The monsters of Ikoria have been unleashed and are morphing and mutating all that surrounds them! That includes the rules of Magic! So you have brought on a new onslaught of rules questions that we need to answer! So join us this week for yet another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Order of Operations (Ikoria Version)
or, Don't Touch the SidesThis week we take a look at some of the rules updates that Ikoria has brought in. So into the den of the monsters, we go as we take a deep dive into the section of the rules best known as layers! Join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Destroy All Monsters (怪獣総進撃)
The monsters are coming! We have battened down our hatches, shored up our walls and windows! Settled down for the long haul, and cozied up to our fire with all of your rules questions. Grabbing all the rules answers we can to enhance our weaponry against the incoming onslaught of battle raged monsters! So join us for this week's monstrous edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Overlook Hotel
All of this staying put and staying inside is starting to drive Moko insane, not that he ever really was to begin with! To that end we are trying to pacify him and save our offices, which are currently shuttered by the way. Hopefully when we return they are still in one piece! In the meantime we bring you yet another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion with all the rules question and answer knowledge you have come to know and love! Read on!
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Strange Times
Even enforcing proper social distancing will not keep our articles from your inbox! A safe way to continue enjoying satiating your curiosity for rules Q&A! Cranial Insertion, is here to recuse your doldrums with all those answers you have been waiting for all week! So read on in this week's exciting edition, just remember to keep six feet from the zombie monkey at all times!
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It is that time again! Time to brush off your rules knowledge and test your skills with yet another one of those famous CI quiz articles! This week Moko has reached deep into the pool of knowledge to bring out some wonderful questions for you to take a crack at! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Welcome to the Isolation Zone
Staying inside and cozying up by the fire with one of your favorite online articles to read! That is right folks, it is that time of the week again, time for another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion. Hopefully the rest of the week is less exciting than this last one, Moko is getting a bit stir crazy from being locked inside all the time.
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Magical Mystery Tour
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks! I really need you to write, more questions that is, so we can continue answering them in our weekly article! This week we have an article jam packed with questions ab out the very popular mystery boosters! So join us to find out what might be inside in this week's explosive edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Catch Myth If You Can
Myths abound as we wade through the Plane of Theros where death can sometimes have no meaning! Planeswalkers and creatures are escaping the underworld onto the battlefield, oh my! Just like your rules questions are escaping from our inbox and into our article for this week! So join us for this week's otherworldly edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Unbelievable and undeniable yet another edition of those rules questions and answers you love has come into your life! Providing you with all of the unformation you can possibly handle with respect to rules of Magic the Gathering! So join us once again as we unravel the mysteries in this week's unquestionably excellent edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Into The Void
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Moko somehow got his hands on the article and ate it this week. Join us next week for those rules questions and answers you know and love!
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Dead Presidents
Presidents Day is here in the US and we are celebrating our past presidents and all of their great accomplishments! No, Moko was never a president of the US, despite what "proof" he might offer. So join us as we celebrate by giving you the executive answers to all of those questions your friends have been filibustering all this time! So read on in this week's administrative edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Just Another Valentine's Day
Ah, l'amour! St. Valentine is hanging around once again and we here at the Cranial Insertion offices know what you love! That is answers to those rules questions burning in your hearts! We have packed this article full of questions that you have had a burning desire for a response! Join us for this week's lovely edition of Cranial Insertion, now with more hearts! P.S.: No zombie monkey hearts were used in the making of this article, nor did we charge Moko with obtaining actual hearts.
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Groundhog Day, Again
It is ground hog day, here in the US, and we have brought to you the best answers for those burning questions you have been asking. It is ground hog day, here in the US, and we have brought to you the best answers for those burning questions you have been asking. It is ground hog day, here in the US, and we have brought to you the best answers for those burning questions you have been asking. It is ground hog day, here in the US, and we have brought to you the best answers for those burning questions you have been asking. It is ground hog day, here in the US, and we have brought to you the best answers for those burning questions you have been asking. So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Cranial Insertion Bests the Mailbag
Digging in after the release weekend for Theros Beyond Death we find our mailboxes have been stuffed by all of those questions you are dying to have answers for! So we took out our crowbars and pried those letters out of the box! Head on inside and join us for this weeks jam packed edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Theros Beyond Death previews are out and the prerelease is in the books! Cards are escaping from graveyards all over the multiverse and we are breaking out the best rules questions you had to ask! To celebrate inside we have cooked up all the answers you will need on your journey through the Nyx and beyond! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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...And They All Lived Happily Every After
Theros Beyond Death is just around the corner, so today we'll take one last look at the rules questions that Throne of Eldraine has to offer while it's still the current set, so join us in this week's fairy-tale ending edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Decadent Quiz
We are celebrating an anniversary this week, with Carsten having been with us for 10 years! So break out the party hats and piñatas! No put those back Moko, we do not need fireworks this time. Last time half the office was set on fire. So join us for a decathlon of quizzical inquiry in this week's base 10 edition of Cranial Insertion!
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