The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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Bouncing off the Walls
or, They Are No Longer DeckedWith Christmas completed we are still cleaning up the mess Moko made under the tree, bad Moko. The gifts at the Cranial Insertion offices just keep on giving so we reciprocate in kind in answering your rules questions! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Take your Turn (again)
or, Turn Up The VolumeWe are tuning in and turning it up once again this week with some exciting rules question and answers straight from you! This week we take an in depth look at the turn structure! So take a spin through and read on in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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... A Lot Like No
or, Hibernation TimeWinter is coming... as we prepare for our long sleep we take a moment to answer your latest series of rules questions and answers. So join us for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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It's Beginning to Look...
A Bit DisgustingThe halls are decked out with leftovers from our Thanksgiving extravaganza! In out cleaning up we found all of those rules questions you have been asking since before then and now it is time we answered some of them! So join us for some more exciting rules questions and answers, in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Just watch your step over there, we are not sure what is in that pile of stuff.
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Standard Bearers
Join us as we carry the flag onward into the depths of Standard once again. But our journey will not be complete with just that, we have once again compiled a banner list of rules question and answers from all your favorite formats. So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Feast of Rules
You have been stuffing our inboxes with great rules questions. So while we get ready to stuff our faces, we are going to stuff your head with answers to your questions! No, Moko, no... stop that. So read on witch this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Pumpkin Color Pie
or, Red Tastes the BestSugar, spice, and fall flavors. This weeks article continues with another helping of Commander rules questions along with a healthy slice of questions from Khans and more! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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My Wish is Your Commander
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It's In Tents
We are packing our gear and camping out in anticipation of the new Commander 2014 sets coming out! In the meantime we are serving up some piping hot rules question and answers just for you. So join us around the camp fire for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Morph They Stay the Same
We are staying on track and continuing our coverage of your rules questions and answers! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Morph Things Change
or, Surprise Scornful Egotist!Well we are certainly glad that things are staying relatively the same, as that keeps us writing these articles! So join us for morph of your exciting rules question and answers in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Food Coma
Why isn't that a card name yet?We are gorging ourselves on tons of good food and your rules questions! So join Callum as he takes you through a cornucopia of responses providing some food for thought. Read on in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Let's Get Quizzical
We are back at it again! This time we are getting our quiz on! So join us for this weeks inquisitive edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Khan't Stop Me Now
Khans of Tarkir is here and so are the questions! You have been inundating our offices with your questions, and we are so very excited! This week we take a moment to stop morphing and raid our stack, as we try to outlast all of these rules questions to answer them with ferocious clarity! So lets delve into this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Release the Tarkirs!
or, Happy as a Clan (4 Comments)Translations:

It's Morphin' Time!
Armodon! Pteron! Ceratok! Felidar! Tyrannax!Rita is attacking the city again, and we need to turn up our morphs to repel the attack! What better way to do this then by answering your rules questions and answers! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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I khan't wait!
I khannot believe that we are in yet another preview season! As Khans of Tarkir is right around the corner we are bringing you more of that rules question and answer content you know and love! So read on and join us in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Declare Blockers
or, Two's CompanyTwo blocks are better than one! Magic is changing its block structure but our format is still the same. Your exciting rules questions combined with the answers you seek! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Going Bananas
or, The Full MonkeyMonkeys everywhere! Mayhem ensues along with your standard dose of rules questions and answers! Give me the ****ing banana's you **** ****! Sorry about that, bad Moko! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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We are off and racing over here at the Cranial Insertion offices. As we rush to answer the flood of new questions we bring you this weeks exciting edition! Read on for all the rules question and answer glory in as quickly a manner as computationally possible.
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Sliver Hydra Salamander Stew
The hive has started brewing up some trouble and this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion is not out of its influence. So join us for some more multi-headed brain twisting rules question and answers in this weeks exciting edition!
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Hail Hydra
or, Gentle Snowfall upon Hydrozoans (0 Comments)Translations:

The Dying of the Light
The waves just keep coming! So with our in boxes bursting with questions we bring you another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Not quite fading away just yet.
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Kaboom! Join us this week for this exploding edition of Cranial Insertion! Kaboom!
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Down to the Core
The core set prerelease is behind us. So join us for some core questions in this edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Are You Smarter Than a Sliver?
or, Sliver Me Timbers!The hive mind awakens again! Slivers are at it again taking over everything they can. To honor this we are going to take over your mind with a quiz on our legion friends. So read on with this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Eternal Sunshine
Summertime is around the corner and so is the release of M15. So while we wait we take you on a journey through the mind answering your rules questions with spotless responses. So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Waiting for Garruk
Garruk has begun hunting other planeswalkers and while we wait for him to hunt us down, we continue to respond to your rules questions and answers! So with Magic 2010 around the corner, we bring some answers from all over the Magic Multiverse. Join us in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Modern Season's Greetings
The Modern season has kicked off and is now in full swing! So this week we thought we would celebrate by modernizing your rules knowledge with some Q&A on the format du jour! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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La Cospirazione ha inizio
or, 커져가는 혼란Conspiracy is upon us! So the machinations and dreams of grandure have begun to foment into reality. Join us this time for some insight down some long and dark tunnels in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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and the rulings are easy!James is back and summer is right around the corner. Join us as we serve up a heap of rules questions and answers. Though we are not yet ready to hang at the Pleateau. Read on for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Are We There Yet?
Join us as we continue going along on our ride through Nyx! While we are not quite there yet, we have dished up another helping of rules questions and answers to help satisfy your needs while we await arrival at Conspiracy station! So read on in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Voyage, Voyage
or, The Journey ContinuesAs we continue on our way answering rules questions. We bring you a mixed bag of some old and some new. Join us on this weeks journey in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Nyx picks from the sticks
Join us this week as we bring you rules questions and answers from far out on the plane of Theros. Though no promises on urbane responses. Join us this week for another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion.
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The Brotherhood of the Traveling Puns
I thought that they were angels, much to my surprise. They just turned out to be Quarry Colossus. Join us for another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, with puns! Now if I can only leave these puns behind.
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Why Can't This Nyx Go on Forever
Lost in twilight... The monkeys! Precious monkeys. Join as we once again foray into the wild frontiers of pre-Journey Into Nyx rules questions and answers in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Hold on to the Feeling
Just a small town monkey, living in a lonely world. Took the midnight train to rules question and answer time!!! Join us once again somewhere in the night for this edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Prepare for the Journey
or, Don't Stop BelievingWhile the lights have not yet gone down in the city nor are we going separate ways though we may be worlds apart. Once again we faithfully deliver yet another weeks worth of rules questions and answers any way you want it! Who's crying now, Moko?
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Souvenirs from Cincinnati
We have some exciting rules questions and answers for you this week, hot off the floor of the recent GP in Cincinnati! Now if I can only figure out how to get those chilli stains out of my bag.
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I Got Ninety-Nine Problems
Moko is at it again tanning some bunnies that apparently have been stuffed inside his head forcibly by one of the Cranial Insertion experiments. Maybe we can make a belt from the hides as our anniversary gift. So join us on this our ninth anniversary edition for some exciting rules Q&A!
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Time and Ides Wait for No Man
Ah, spring is in the air and it is that time of year again! Et tu, Brute? I guess he got tired of waiting for more rules questions. Well join us this week to quench your thirst for knowledge in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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or, Time Travel Made EasyThe times are changing, literally! Join us as we shoot forward an in time to bring you this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Winds of Winter
Yet another winter storm is arriving across the U.S. And the winds are kicking up. Just like the snow in some areas the rules questions are coming down in droves! Join Carsten as he tries to shovel his way to answers, in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Thousand Different Voices Screaming to Be Heard
And nothing will be done! Nothing!Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. Moko is having too much fun on the Twitch feed again. Alas work needs to be done so join Callum as he takes us through another exciting set of rules questions and answers!
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The Gods Must (Still) Be Crazy
Getting crazy here in the Cranial Insertion offices, with these rules questions. Our coverage of Born of the Gods continues this week, while Moko goes to town! Join us for this weeks exciting edition!
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Born to Be Godly
or, Delicious PancaketheonMore wild questions are pouring into our inboxes. Join us this for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion. Now with blueberries!
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Born to be Wild
Wrapping up the prerelease we begin heroically answering the nascent rules questions for Born of the Gods! Using our crystal balls we scry the answers for your reading pleasure. I think all this power is going to Moko's head though, watch out he is becoming monstrous!
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The Born Ultimatum
Born of the Gods is on the horizon, and we have a fresh set of rules questions. Join us for this weeks exciting pre-prerelease article. You know you need to read it!
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Colorless Blue Ideas Dream Chimerically
or, Wasing the Where of Previewing (0 Comments)Translations:

Old and Busted
Not the New HotnessTop coat, top hat, black shades, white gloves, lookin' sharp and looking for rules answers! They come running just as fast as they can. 'Coz every creature is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed planeswalker.
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The Snow Pillars of Hercules
or, Monday the ThirteenthIce and snow have buried us in here at the Cranial Insertion offices. Join us in our twelve trials of answering rules questions!
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