The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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A Week Off for the Holidays
It is that time of year again! The holiday season is upon us and of course we have kicked our celebration into high gear once again! We just wish Moko did not have a thing for tinsel. So to continue our celebration we have once again brought you an article jam packed with all of your holiday favorite rules questions and answers! So read on in this week's festive edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Quiz Wars
Episode VIII: The Last QuizThat is no small moon over there, it is just a Wheel of Sun and Moon! This week we have for you an exciting set of questions to challenge your Magic rules senses, in another one of our exciting quiz episodes! So come and tickle your fancy, just watch out for that giant fuzzball over there (Moko just glued a bunch of fur to his bones) as we journey onward in this week's Silver bordered edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Unstable Frontier
or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Silver BordersUnstable is on the horizon and we have taken this moment to try and settle the shaky foundations of your rules knowledge with some answers to all of those troubling questions regarding those pesky silver-bordered cards! So read on in this week's fun filled adventure we call an article of Cranial Insertion! Now with more AWASLFAQPAFTIDAWABIAJTBT.
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4, 3, 2, 1!
Pull up and grab a slice! This week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion has just hit your browser window! Once again featuring all the rules question and answers you have been asking for! So let's get on with the show!
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A Thankful Year
The year is winding down and Thanksgiving is near at hand so we here at the Cranial Insertion offices are giving thanks for you our readers! So we are serving up another article of the rules questions and answers you know and love! Join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Release the Icons!
Iconic Masters is close at hand, so we take a look at some of the most iconic questions in our inbox! All the while we try to provide masterful answers to those questions, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with 20% more icons to storm castles with.
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Autumnal Reflection
Autumn is in full swing here and we have decided to reflect upon the size of our inbox and try to shrink it down somewhat. That being said you benefit from yet another article chock full of the answers you seek! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Moko Digs In
It is All Hallows' Even here in the US and while we are not quite certain where Moko has gone, as this is his favorite time of the year. I mean what other time of year does a zombified monkey fit in? Though our candy stash has gone missing.... anyway join us for this week's frightening edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Don't Forget the Merfolk!
Wading through the waters of Ixalan we got lost. However, we were still able to find enough of your rules questions to put together an article. Now all we have to do is figure out what happened to Moko. So read on in this week's fishy edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Everybody Walk the Dinosaur
We're still adventuring on the plane of Ixalan, and we're celebrating the Dinosaurs and other interesting cards that this set has to offer, so join us as we fill your brains with rules knowledge and song lyrics in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Road to El D'Orazca
With Ixalan's release adventurers are out in full swing trying to discover the secrets of this new plane! Rather than risk their lives seeking solutions to life's mysteries they can find their answers here in our latest edition of Cranial Insertion! So read on in this week's exciting edition!
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The Fix Is In
Ixalan is released into the wild and thar' be dinosaurs!!!! and pirates! Avast ye landlubber be sure to read our article or ye shall be walking the plank or be eaten by those dinos! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Be sure to use the magic word!
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Welcome to Ixalan Park
Messing around with chaos seems pretty poor; however, that has not stopped the folks on Ixalan from enjoying their Dino pals! With Ixalan prereleases in the books all over the world, we bring you some answers to those monstrous questions you have stoping around in you minds (or backyards?)! So join us for this weeks jurassic edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more dinos!
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Pumpkin-Spiced Rules Questions
Double bubble toil and trouble, add a dash of newt and cinnamon! We are spicing up our articles with all of those rules questions you asked! So savor the flavor and join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Warning beware of seeds.
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Mixed Mailbag Madness!
Checking in with from our stuffed mailbox we bring you yet another article chock full of those answers you seek! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Postage required in certain areas.
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Back to School, 3rd Edition
Revised and updated for the new year!School is back in session and we are here to teach you the lessons regarding Magic rules that you asked for! So join us for yet another information packed class of Cranial Insertion!
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Just a Phase We're Going Through
Commander 2017 is our and we have once again phased back into during our untap in order to answer your rules questions and answers! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now all we need to figure out is how to stop our office fro phasing out again.
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Leonin and Dragons and Fangs, oh my!
Commander 2017 SpecialTaking command of yet another exciting article Charlotte leads us down a spiraling path of rules questions and answers to uncover all those new secrets awaiting you with the newly released Commander 2017! So join us for this weeks tribal edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Total Eclipse of the Sun
The eclipse is looming to cut a swath through Noth America. So we decided to put on our Glasses of Urza and answer your rules questions! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Hour of Return
The time has come and once again we are back with all the rules questions and answers you can handle! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Hour of Answering
We continue to count the hours this week, and we've arrived at the Hour of Answering, where we do what we do best and answer a fresh batch of Magic rules question for you, so join us for this week's exciting and informative issue of Cranial Insertion!
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Hour of Relaxation
This week we take a relaxing look into the rules of the new set Hour of Devastation! Answering all of your questions to put your minds at ease and pacify all those rules concerns you have been having! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Hour of Introduction
We welcome our newest writer into the fold! During the initiation process only a little zombie monkey blood was spilled. Mostly because Moko does not really have any blood left. So join us to answer all your rules questions in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Counting the Hours
With the Hour of Devastation prerelease in the books we are counting down the time until the doom of the multiverse! Oh, hail all powerful Nicol Bolas! So join us in celebrating his excellence in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Break from the Sand
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Back to Normality
or, What Is Normal Anyway?Done with our jaunt into the world of Archenemy and the twisting turns of the mind of Nicol Bolas we once again bring you back to Amonkhet for some more rules questions and answers of your design! So join us once again for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Archenemy at the Gates
Please, please, enter into my domain and continue on through your journey here in Amonkhet! Your pitiful little existence will only serve my will, I mean.... er... this week we have a whole host of questions from this years new release of Archenemy, featuring none other than Nicol Bolas himself! So read on in this week's planar dominating edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Commander Anthology of Interest
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School's Almost Over
or, Time For a Final Exam!We are approaching the end of the school year, and Professor Moko is gathering up the best of the best rules questions to torment your brains with! With that we bring you yet another tremendously exciting rules quiz article for your tantalizing enjoyment! So read on in this weeks quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Hour of Departure
Join us as we herald the end of yet another Cranial Insertion era. James writes his farewell article chock full of all the rules question and answer goodness you have come to know and love from us. We wish James the best on his future journeys wherever they may take him, and thank him for yet another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!!!
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Something Only a Mummy Could Love
Moko is still mummified and we are enjoying a bit of peace around the office. With that we take the time to answer some of your most pressing rules questions! So join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Just Deserts
Amonkhet is out in the wild, fresh off the Pro Tour in Nashville this past weekend we take a look at those burning questions you have had. So we sit down for another helping of rules questions to help satiate your appetite for knowledge! So join us for this weeks rather delicious edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more Strawberries!
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Presents for Mummy
Mother's Day is coming up this weekend, and we're celebrating early with our resident mummy Moko by giving you another selection of Magic rules questions from Amonkhet and elsewhere. Join us for this week's fun-filled and only slightly mummified edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Bad Wrap
Moko is hyped up now that Amonkhet has been released with all his Zombie brethren! With that we bring to life your rules questions in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Moko hold still would you!
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As the Wurm Turns
Just a little further past these dunes and we can make it to the sietch. From there all our rules questions will be answered! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Just look out for that wurm sign!
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Sacred Cats
The Amonkhet prerelease is almost upon us and with it bringing us all the cats we can handle! However, before that we have another dose of rules questions brought to us by you the readers for your edification!!! So join us as we produce all the answers you requested and some cat-based puns along the way, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Belated Birthday Bash
or, The Dirty DozenWe celebrate our 12th anniversary, albeit a little late, by answering your rules questions! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Out Like A Lamb
We've made it into April, which means we're that much closer to the release of Amonkhet, but we'll have to be patient for just a few more weeks. No April Fool's pranks here, but plenty of Magic rules knowledge as always, so join us for this week's April-fresh edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Spring has Sprung
Spring time is here once again and we have started to clean out our mail box. That means more Magic rules questions answered for your curious minds! So join us as we jump full on into this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Everything Old is New Again
Modern Masters 2017 is out everywhere and people have started cracking their packs! So we started cracking some of those old and new rules questions about these cards just for you! So join us for some fresh answers to some burning questions you may have had on this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Let's Do the Time Warp Again!
At it once again warping around the multiverse in search of the perfect storm of rules questions to answer! So join us in song and dance for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more callbacks, just watch out for the Meatloaf.
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In Like a Lion
Marching straight toward springtime here as we roar on with another exciting batch of your rules questions! So roll on in for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more Lions!
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Time Marches On
It is almost March and the year is picking up steam, so while time is seemingly slipping through our fingers we take a moment to do what we do best and answer your rules questions! Join us for this weeks timely edition of Cranial Insertion, now packed with even more time (or marching, not quite sure which)!
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Artificer's Ball
Throwing out the first pitch here James takes on yet another set of your rules questions hitting them out of the park with his answers! So read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Valentine's Day Pop Quiz
Love is in the air, and we knew what you would really love is to test your knowledge of the rules of Magic! So this week we bring you yet another quiz article where you can challenge yourself and your valentine! So join us for this weeks quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Peasants are Revolting!
More revolting developments are happening on the plane of Kaladesh (the uprising type of developments, despite Moko's attempts). So we continue to dig through our mailboxes and respond to your rules questions and answers! Join us in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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How Revolting!
The Aether uprising is in full swing as is the search for a new cleaning crew here at the Cranial Insertion offices. That is the last time we let Moko do the party planning.... While we wade through the cesspool that has become our office we take a peek inside our mailbox to respond to your rules questions, so join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Consular matter
Pull out the red carpet because the ambassador has come to town! Just be sure to keep the supples of aether away so as not to burn the house down! We continue on this week with more of your burning questions from Aether Revolt. So join us in this week's diplomatic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Wake Up and Smell the Revolution
The revolt is happening all over the plan of Kaladesh, and with it bringing a flood of new cards to our collections! With the Aether Revolt prereleases now in the books this past weekend we take a look at some of your most insurgent questions! So read on in this week's riotous edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The holiday festivities are over for the moment, and boy do we ever have a ton of Fruitcake Elementals left over. That will be the last time we let Moko cook. In addition we certainly do have a ton of rules questions left over as well, so we are reheating those up and serving them out for you! So join us for another helping of Cranial Insertion!
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And a Happy New Y!
2017 is upon us and we are right in the thick of it with answering your rules questions, providing all the answers you will need to start your Magic year just right! So dig in and make a resolution to read Cranial Insertion every week this year, starting with this weeks exciting edition!
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