The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
Merry X-Mas
or,Christmas time has come and gone, but that does not mean the presents have stopped! So join us for our gift to you all the rules answered you seek in this week's article of Cranial Insertion!
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Winter is Coming
As he peered over the wall, he could see off in the distance it was as he feared. Moko spat, uttering curses, he knew what was coming. So often it had come before, in the nightmares of child zombie monkeys. Those rules questions beguiling the mind and bewildering men for all ages, until the coming of the next weeks Cranial Insertion article. So read on and stay warm in this weeks wintery edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Twelve Days of Magic
Eight Grasp of Darkness, Seven Swans of Bryn Argoll, Six Dauthi Slaying, Five Sol Rings! Four Hurkyl's Recall, Three Henge of Ramos, Two Meandering Turtle, and a question with an answer for thee! Join us for this weeks festive edition of Cranial Insertion!
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It's not just a mnemonic anymore.Straight to you from an undisclosed location, semi-live we are bringing you all the answers to your rules questions that you ever wanted to know and then some! Just do not trace this call... and you never heard from us, okay? So read on in this week's combative edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Don't go chasing planar falls
Exciting things are happening here at the Cranial Insertion offices, and a lot of it depends on the results of our planar die rolls. Whoosh... changing planes again! So join us as we put together a selection of your questions based on everyone's favorite plane shifting product Planechase! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, Planechase style!
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Quizgiving II
or, The Return of the QuizGiving thanks for those things we have received all year. We present to you this quiz article! We know it is what you have all been waiting for! So praise Moko and read on in this week's interrogative edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Masters of Commander
Commander 2016 is out now and here we are commanding our inbox. So join us as we cycle through that inbox and partner your questions with the answers that you desired! Read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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See Your Tomorrow, Today!
or, Scrying for Fun and ProfitScrying into the future I see... all your rules questions answered by this week's fortuitous article! So join us for this weeks foretelling edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Trick or Treat!
or, Happy Halloween!It's Halloween, and Moko is stepping in as a guest author to answer our latest batch of rules question. Put on your costumes and go trick-or-treating with Moko in this candy-filled episode of Cranial Insertion!
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Kaladesh
Time to solve the puzzles of life, the universe, and everything! Oh, wait they did that already and the answer was 42?! Oh, well I suppose we will go back to solving all of those rules riddles and puzzles that you have continuously sent in to our offices! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Licensed Disintegration
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Too Tense
Things are heating up with the release of Kaladesh and the Pro Tour on the horizon! So we take the plunge and answer your rules questions! Join us for this week's edition of Cranial Insertion!
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October is here and Kaladesh has released! So we bring you a fresh set of your invented questions straight from the forges of the Internet or wherever else you sent them from! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Artificer's Intelligence
or, Welcome to KaladeshWelcome to the exciting world of Kaladesh! Put on your inventor's goggles, start your engines, and join us for this week's innovative edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Gift of Gifting
Join us as we give out the gift of answers to your rules questions! Once again we open up the boxes and go deep looking for the best question that will keep on giving all year round! So join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Back to School, 2nd Edition
Revised for the new year!Everywhere in the U.S. of A kids are returning back to the grind of school. So we bring you an extra special educational helping of your rules questions and answers, right here for your enjoyment! So join us for this exciting academic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Working for the Weekend
Toiling away the hours preparing articles for our fans out there! Despite the holiday in the US we are still working here at the Cranial Insertion offices, because we know you out there need your weekly fix of rules knowledge! And we are prepared to provide it once again! Now if only we could get Moko to actually complete something productive for a change. Alas, read on in this week's energetic article of Cranial Insertion!
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Backstabbing, Scheming, and Intrigue
or, A Game of ThronesBack to Paliano with the new set of Conspiracy released this past weekend. We bring you some new rules questions that have all the intrigue you desired. So plotting and planning we have designed this week's duplicitous edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Back in Black
Nathan takes back up the mantle of blacks, to answer all of those pressing rules questions he came across in Portland and then some! So join us in this week's resurging edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Back at Last
After quite the hiatus searching for trees that fell in the woods with no one around Callum is back at it again answering all your rules questions! Perhaps he can answer if those trees made any sounds as well. So read on for this week's mind expanding edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Back Out in the Outback
Coming to you from the Land Down Under this week we present to you yet another article chock full of those rules questions and answers you had burning in the back of your minds. Fresh off of Pro Tour Eldritch Moon join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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A Wild Quiz Appeared!
or, Gotta Answer 'em All!You want to be the very best! Like no one ever was, to answer them all is our quest! Wait Moko stop eating those! Okay well while we clean up the mess from Moko you read on with this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Do You Want to Build a Scarecrow?
The Eldritch Moon is upon us! While we wait for our impending doom, we here at the CI offices are answering your rules question! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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I'm So Excited
With the Eldritch Moon prerelease behind us, we take a look at your rules questions and provide some much needed enlightenment! So here we are with yet another week of entertaining answers to those burning questions! Join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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I see a moon rising, I see a trouble on the way! Do come around tonight to get all the answers to your lunar related rules questions and then some! So join us for this week's celestial edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Red, White, and Blue
or, Happy Fourth of JulyIt's Independence Day in the United States of America! Light some fireworks, grab a burger and a cold beverage, and join us as we celebrate the United States' birthday in this star-spangled edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Feeling Hot Hot Hot
The summer is in full swing in the northern hemisphere! Our inboxes are heating up with your questions just waiting to be answered. So we take some time to cool off with a refreshing round answers to all of those burning questions. So join us for this week's edition of Cranial Insertion! Hot off the presses!
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All hail our new undead overlords! The Eternal Masters have arrived! We have a jam packed article this week chock full of questions resurrected from the archives! Awaiting your reading pleasure! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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An Eternal Flame
Eternally answering your rules questions all then time every time! If only we could do something about Moko's eternal stench. Anyway join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Where the Orange Barrels Bloom
or, Summer in OhioWatch your step! Summer is approaching and we have started to renovate our inbox as it is chock full of your rules questions. Pardon our construction, as we build out and update the infrastructure necessary to answer all of your rules questions and answers! So join us for this week's unyielding edition of Cranial Insertion!
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School's Out
School's out for summer, school's out for ever!! Wait, what not forever, just for the summer? Okay, well good thing they stopped Moko's plot with those incendiary devices. Summertime is upon us as school is ending; however, do not let that stop your learning of all those Magic rules and interactions!! So join us for this week's fact filled edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Modern Artistry
Ah, the modern times! With such wonderful artists as Piet Mondrian and Andy Warhol. Wait not those artists? Magic artists then, Anthony Palumbo, ... that is not it either?! Okay then, join us for this week's virtuosity of rules question and answers!
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Welcome to the World of Tomorrow!
Tomorrow has arrived and we have all the answers to those questions you have been asking us from the future inboxes at the CI headquarters!!! And with that knowledge we have put together quite the article for you all of those burning questions you did not even know you had answered in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Mamma Mia!
Mother's day has just passed by and we are celebrating with a mother load of your rules questions and answers! So join us as we pay homage to those mothers of Magic in this week's motherly edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Solve My Mystery
Shadows over Innistrad has landed and clues abound! As we sift through the information we have been inundated with we respond to some of the more pressing questions you have on your mind! So join us for this week's sleuthing edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Weather Report
Spring is here again and the weather is bringing in the flowers! So we bring in this week's rules questions brought to us by none other than you! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Let Me Tax You a Question
Tax season is coming to a close in the US, but that is not stopping us from hiking the rates on your favorite questions. Though you might want to consult a real tax professional if you have not already filed your taxes. Now all we need to do is figure out what Moko did with ours. Join us for this week's excise free edition of Cranial Insertion!
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How I Learned To Love the Number ThirteenIn the 13th office of the 13th floor of the 13th building on the 13th block of 13th St. with 13 questions on the 13th day of the 13th article of the 13th year in the 13th month!!?! Who writes this stuff about the number 13? Someone needs to get those thirteen typewriters away from Moko! Join us for this week's exciting edition Cranial Insertion, now full of thirteens!!
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Madness? This is Innistrad!
The insanity is all abound! While Innistrad is almost here with the frenzy of the prerelease in the books we have a new series of your questions which we have zealously answered! So join us and read on in this week's enthusiastic edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Steel ThyselfCranial Insertion is 11 years old! And we have a celebration for you, chock full of all your rules questions along with a host of answers! So come on in and grab some cake to enjoy while you read on, in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion.
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Incredible Savings
Daylight saving time continues and Spring has sprung in the northern hemisphere while the countdown to Shadows over Innistrad continues, so join us for this week's sunny edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Time Travel For Beginners
Better break out your sonic screwdriver and get ready with your rules questions! As the shadows begin to spread over. So join us for this week's timely edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Or Let Me Gatherer That For YouGathering up some of your rules questions and answers we are excited to present this weeks article. We have searched far and wide through all of your questions and answers to bring you yet another exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Leap into Spring
Ramping up for the spring, the rain and the flowers! As spring is right around the corner we are leaping through the piles of questions in our inboxes to answer all of your rules questions! So join us for this week's budding edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Null and Devoid
The Eldrazi menace is taking over every where! All of your mana base are now belong to us! With colorless spells abound we answer more of your exciting rules questions in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Roses Are Red
And Fireballs, TooHello and welcome to this year's Valentine edition of Cranial Insertion. Where we will be wooing you over with all the answers to the questions your heart most desired answered! So feel the love and join us for this week's impassioned edition of Cranial Insertion!
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All My Eldrazi
Couch surfing in the middle of the day for something good on TV, while the battle for Zendikar rages on. Wait, Moko stop switching the channels! Well might as well get some rules question and answer on since there is nothing good on to watch and the Eldrazi are outside devouring the plane! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, now with more drama!
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And Boy, Are My Arms Tired!
Flying high with yet another exciting set of your rules questions! Once again we take a look at interactions brought to us by Oath of the Gatewatch! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Gated Community
Oath of the Gatewatch is out in the wild now! Moko is busy swearing his latest oath, not going in there to witness that mess. And here we are again with your rules questions ready to be answered! So join us as we continue to keep our oath in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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And Now My Gatewatch Begins
Under the Tree of Tales we make this pledge while the Bosk Banneret watches over us with the Fruit of the First Tree in hand. Just watch out for those Tree Monkeys over there. So join us as we pledge this oath to continue answering your rules questions in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Snow is Overrated
We are inundated with snow here at the Cranial Insertion offices! As the snow continues to pile up we sally up to the fire and break out some of your rules questions to answer! So cozy on up to this week's mind warming edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Dragon in the New Year
It is a new year, brimming with opportunities to learn about new rules interactions. With our new year resolutions made, and our goals laid out before us we lay out this article chock full of your rules questions and answers! So read on in this year's first edition of Cranial Insertion!
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