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Source: Unglued (UNG)
Rarity: R
Artist: Mark Zug

Mana Cost: (CMC: 5)

Card Type: Enchantment

Rules Text:
Pursuant to subsection 3.1(4) of Richard's Rules of Order, during the upkeep of each participant in this game of the Magic: The Gathering® trading card game (hereafter known as "PLAYER"), that PLAYER performs all actions in the sequence of previously added actions (hereafter known as "ACTION QUEUE"), in the order those actions were added, then adds another action to the end of the ACTION QUEUE. All actions must be simple physical or verbal actions that a player can perform while sitting in a chair, without jeopardizing the health and security of said PLAYER.
If any PLAYER does not perform all the prescribed actions in the correct order, sacrifice Bureaucracy and said PLAYER discards his or her complement of cards in hand (hereafter known as "HAND").

Flavor Text:

Format Legality:
Standard: Illegal; Modern: Illegal; Legacy: Illegal; Vintage: Illegal; Commander: Illegal

Articles with Bureaucracy

Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

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