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Wrath of God
Source: Portal (POR)
Rarity: R
Artist: Mike Raabe

Mana Cost: (CMC: 4)

Card Type: Sorcery

Rules Text:
Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated.

Flavor Text:
"As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport."
--William Shakespeare, King Lear

Format Legality:
Standard: Illegal; Modern: Legal; Legacy: Legal; Vintage: Legal; Commander: Legal

Articles with Wrath of God

Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

All Printings:

Commander Masters

Commander Masters

Dominaria Remastered

Dominaria Remastered

Dominaria Remastered

Double Masters

Eternal Masters

From the Vault: Annihilation

Commander 2013

Tenth Edition

Ninth Edition

Eighth Edition

Seventh Edition

Battle Royale

Sixth Edition


Fifth Edition

Fourth Edition



Limited Edition: Beta

Limited Edition: Alpha

Amonkhet Invocations

Secret Lair Drop

Secret Lair Drop

Magic Player Rewards

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