The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
I khan't wait!
I khannot believe that we are in yet another preview season! As Khans of Tarkir is right around the corner we are bringing you more of that rules question and answer content you know and love! So read on and join us in this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Dawn of the Undead
Creatures undying all around us, what are we todo? Why, read this weeks Cranial Insertion, of course! This weeks edition with the standard compliment of zombies, humans, brains, and oh yeah, rules questions too!
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All Hallow's Eve... Eve
The spooktacular rules question fun continues as we ramp up toward Halloween here in the States with our Cranial Insertion pre-All Hallow's Eve edition!
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Pro Tour-Walk
This creature is unblockable if it is attending a Pro Tour.
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Dog Day Sunrise
or, Wait, Where Did the Last Seven Months Go?If dogs have days, do cats have nights?
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Go for the Goat
or, Viva el Goatnapper!Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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Mirrodin Bee Sieged
or, Bzz Bzzzz Bz Bzz BzzzNot the bees! No! Noaaaagha!
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