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School's Almost Over

or, Time For a Final Exam!

We are approaching the end of the school year, and Professor Moko is gathering up the best of the best rules questions to torment your brains with! With that we bring you yet another tremendously exciting rules quiz article for your tantalizing enjoyment! So read on in this weeks quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (4 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


School's Almost Over
or, Time For a Final Exam!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

A Belated Birthday Bash

or, The Dirty Dozen

We celebrate our 12th anniversary, albeit a little late, by answering your rules questions! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (2 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


A Belated Birthday Bash
or, The Dirty Dozen
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Monday the 13th

Unlucky Monday the 13th? This weeks article features heartfelt rules questions, in this our Valentine edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English  Français  Italiano 


Monday the 13th
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English  Français  Italiano 

Undying Questions

or, Decreasing Confusion

Little-known fact: Increasing Confusion's art was based off of our inbox. Moko is down there somewhere.

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English  Français 


Undying Questions
or, Decreasing Confusion
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English  Français 

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