The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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Doubling Season's Greetings!
This week we take a look at the shiny new cards released in Double Masters!! This week we take a look at the shiny new cards released in Double Masters!! Wait, we already did that once! Seems like there is double trouble boiling up with the latest cards from Double Masters, so read on to find out all the answers you will need to arm yourself with in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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The Big Three
Here we are back at it again answering all of your rules questions! As Nathan celebrates his third article, sit back and relax with a nice cup of your favorite beverage and enjoy. No more demon blood for you Moko, no... bad Moko put that down! Read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion. Okay, that is going to take forever to clean up....
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@CranialTweet #RulesQuestions #WarpWorld
I know the term for a single twitter post is a 'tweet,' but I very much wish they'd gone with a stronger bird noise, like 'quack.' No, I don't have a point. Quack.
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