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My Undead Horde Awakens
Source: Archenemy Schemes (ARS)
Rarity: C
Artist: Thomas M. Baxa

Mana Cost: {null} (CMC: 0)

Card Type: Ongoing Scheme

Rules Text:
(An ongoing scheme remains face up until it's abandoned.)
At the beginning of your end step, you may put target creature card from an opponent's graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.
When a creature put onto the battlefield with this scheme dies, abandon this scheme.

Flavor Text:

Format Legality:
Standard: Illegal; Modern: Illegal; Legacy: Illegal; Vintage: Illegal; Commander: Illegal

Articles with My Undead Horde Awakens

Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

All Printings:

Archenemy Schemes

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