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Elvish Warrior
Source: DotP Precons (DPA)
Rarity: R
Artist: Kev Walker

Mana Cost: (CMC: 2)

Card Type: Creature — Elf Warrior
Power/Toughness: 2/3

Rules Text:

Flavor Text:
As graceful as a deer leaping a stream and as deadly as the wolf waiting in ambush on the other side, elvish warriors are the eyes of the forest as well as its unsheathed claws.

Format Legality:
Standard: Illegal; Modern: Legal; Legacy: Legal; Vintage: Legal; Commander: Legal

Articles with Elvish Warrior

Wizards of the Coast Gatherer

All Printings:

Duel Decks Anthology: Elves vs Goblins


Elves vs Goblins

Ninth Edition


DotP Precons

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