The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
Quiz on Ice
The quiz master Moko is back at it again bringing you yet another test of your skills with those burning rules questions and answers. So read on to test your mettle in this week's quizzical edition of Cranial Insertion!
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4, 3, 2, 1!
Pull up and grab a slice! This week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion has just hit your browser window! Once again featuring all the rules question and answers you have been asking for! So let's get on with the show!
(2 Comments)Translations:

Voyage, Voyage
or, The Journey ContinuesAs we continue on our way answering rules questions. We bring you a mixed bag of some old and some new. Join us on this weeks journey in this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion.
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