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A Touch of Modern

Justin is showing us seven of his own Modern decks and answers rules questions that come up with those decks, so join us in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


A Touch of Modern
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Imagine Dungeons & Dragons

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms are on the horizon so we take a moment to answer all those rules questions you still have burning before the new set drops! So read on in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Imagine Dungeons & Dragons
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Group Therapy
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

What's in the Box?

or, Seven Deadly Monkeys

A box full of surprises and all those rules questions you know and love, in this edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Eli Shiffrin (8 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


What's in the Box?
or, Seven Deadly Monkeys
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Română  Pусский 

Goodbye EDH!

While EDH is shorter to type, it has the same number of syllables as Commander. At least, in English.

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Goodbye EDH!
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 

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