The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
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A Decadent Quiz
We are celebrating an anniversary this week, with Carsten having been with us for 10 years! So break out the party hats and piñatas! No put those back Moko, we do not need fireworks this time. Last time half the office was set on fire. So join us for a decathlon of quizzical inquiry in this week's base 10 edition of Cranial Insertion!
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At the End of the Day
Even if the day is coming to a close the rules questions just keep pouring in. Join us for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Technically Correct
or, The Best Kind of Correct (2 Comments)Translations:

Eternally Yours
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Sound the Horns!
(or, what's that buzzing noise?)Come on in and raise a cup along with James while he plays his vuvuzela and answers all your rules questions! It is Magic World Cup fever here at Cranial Insertion, read on!
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Waiting for Avacyn
Still waiting for Avacyn Restored? Want to know what is in the Hellvaults? Well, so do we! In the meantime join us once again in our pre-prerelease article partying with all of the usual rules questions you know and love!
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Undying Questions
or, Decreasing ConfusionLittle-known fact: Increasing Confusion's art was based off of our inbox. Moko is down there somewhere.
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