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Modern (Horizons) Rules Problems

All of these new rules are giving you fits, and we have the answers you need! We have put together yet another concoction of answers to those pesky rules questions burning in your mind! So join us for yet another fantastic edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Modern (Horizons) Rules Problems
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Calm before the Viking Storm

Some fear Viking invasions, I mostly try to live for today.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Calm before the Viking Storm
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Zombie Hunting for Fun and Profit

This week we begin to wax philosophically regarding the ever present question of zombies and their feelings. Do they feel? What are they feeling? When are they feeling these things? Or we could just focus on a bunch of rules questions surrounding everyone's favorite MtG tribe! So join us for this week's everliving edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more bandages!

By Andrew Villarrubia (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Zombie Hunting for Fun and Profit
By Andrew Villarrubia
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

The Big Twenty-Five

Magic is turning 25! So we have brought to you a celebration unlike any other (okay maybe just like all the other celebrations here at the CI offices). To that effect we are breaking out all the answers to those pesky rules questions that you have wanted answered over the past 25 years! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


The Big Twenty-Five
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Lucky Thirte'en

Luck is on our side as we pass over the 13th day of the month which happened to be a Friday, a bad omen in some places but not here!!! We have luck on our side, or perhaps it was just all the answers to all the right questions! Regardless read on to get all the answers you need in this week’s fortuitous edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Callum Milne (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Lucky Thirte'en
By Callum Milne
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Dragon in the New Year

It is a new year, brimming with opportunities to learn about new rules interactions. With our new year resolutions made, and our goals laid out before us we lay out this article chock full of your rules questions and answers! So read on in this year's first edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Callum Milne (2 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Dragon in the New Year
By Callum Milne
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Call me, May bee?

It is may and it might just be an exciting time in Magic the Gathering with Dragons possibly out and in full force and Modern Masters on the horizon. Well lets just see what could be in our mail bag from our readers and answer some of those exciting rules questions! So join us for this weeks potentially excessively exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By James Bennett (8 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Call me, May bee?
By James Bennett
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

It's In Tents

We are packing our gear and camping out in anticipation of the new Commander 2014 sets coming out! In the meantime we are serving up some piping hot rules question and answers just for you. So join us around the camp fire for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Callum Milne (1 Comment)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


It's In Tents
By Callum Milne
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Souvenirs from Cincinnati

We have some exciting rules questions and answers for you this week, hot off the floor of the recent GP in Cincinnati! Now if I can only figure out how to get those chilli stains out of my bag.

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Souvenirs from Cincinnati
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


or, Time Travel Made Easy

The times are changing, literally! Join us as we shoot forward an in time to bring you this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Eli Shiffrin (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Português  Pусский 


or, Time Travel Made Easy
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Português  Pусский 

The Born Ultimatum

Born of the Gods is on the horizon, and we have a fresh set of rules questions. Join us for this weeks exciting pre-prerelease article. You know you need to read it!

By James Bennett (2 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Português  Pусский 


The Born Ultimatum
By James Bennett
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Português  Pусский 

52 More Weeks of Questions!

New year, new rules questions, new article! What more could you ask for but 52 more weeks of Cranial Insertion!?

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English  Français 


52 More Weeks of Questions!
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English  Français 

Forty Candles

One Year Older, One Year Wiser?

Join us as we break out our candelabras (of Tawnos) and celebrate another year with Carsten on this eve of his birthday! Oh, yeah and lets not forget more rules question fun than any of us can handle, in yet another exciting pre-holiday edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Forty Candles
One Year Older, One Year Wiser?
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 

Planechase 2.0

Planeswalk over to another plane chasing edition of Cranial Insertion! With plenty of chaos triggers and rules questions for your enjoyment!

By Brian Paskoff (6 Comments)
Translations: English 


Planechase 2.0
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 

Gourd Evening!

or, Happy Halloween!

Bad puns, pop-culture references, and Carsten in a bath robe and towel... oh my! It must be Cranial Insertion Halloween edition with hauntingly fun rules questions for the whole family (undead or alive)!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Gourd Evening!
or, Happy Halloween!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 

The Kessig Trepanation Blade Massacre

"Skinleather Mask" might just be a little too dark to print, but gives the best results when trepanning.

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


The Kessig Trepanation Blade Massacre
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 

The Wrath of Karn

or, To boldly go where no monkey has gone before

I'll chase him round the Moons of Mirrodin, and round the Alara Maelstrom, and round Naar Isle's flames before I give him up!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


The Wrath of Karn
or, To boldly go where no monkey has gone before
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 

Target Player Loses Next Turn

Times, they are a-changin'.

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Target Player Loses Next Turn
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 

Mathemagics 2!

Mathemagics 2: Tokyo Drifting to the Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back (and Your Sister is a Werewolf)

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Mathemagics 2!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 
Eight Crazy Rules Questions
Give or Take a Few Questions
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 
When All You Have Is a Hammer
or, Everything Looks Like a Mountain
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 

Millions of Golems!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Millions of Golems!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 
Ooze Control
or, I'm saving the metal puns for next time
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 


No Myr Feet
or, Another Year of Metal Puns
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 

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