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Quizgiving III

(or, Hollywood keeps making sequels, so why shouldn't we?)

For Thanksgiving, we're giving thanks for your questions by asking you questions, so come join us in this week's quiz episode of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Quizgiving III
(or, Hollywood keeps making sequels, so why shouldn't we?)
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Prelude to Foundations

Magic: The Gathering Foundations is coming out this week, so it's time to take a look at that set in this week's fundamental article of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Prelude to Foundations
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

A Few of My Favorite Cards

The hills are alive with the sound of Magic, so join us as we answer your rules questions in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


A Few of My Favorite Cards
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

NRG St. Paul - Tournament Report

What happens in St. Paul does not stay in St. Paul, so join us for a special tournament report in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


NRG St. Paul - Tournament Report
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Daylight Savings!

We're a bit jet-lagged from setting our clocks back an hour the other night, but we're still here to answer your rules question, so join us for this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Daylight Savings!
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Belated Dad Jokes

We're celebrating the recent Father's Day with some dad jokes, so join us in this week's paternal issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Belated Dad Jokes
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Snakes!? Snaaaaaaaaaakes!

The Cranial Insertion office has been infested with snakes! Snakes! Why does it always have to be snakes? We're not quite sure, but we've asked Moko to take care of the situation so that we can go ahead and answer your rules questions. Join us in this week's snaketacular edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Andrew Villarrubia (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Snakes!? Snaaaaaaaaaakes!
By Andrew Villarrubia
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Your Academy is Waiting

School is back in session for the second semester! So, we have cooked up yet another fantastic article chock full of learning excitement to answer all of those rules questions you have. So read on in this week's informative edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Your Academy is Waiting
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

It's a Mystical Day in this Neighborhood.

With Strixhaven just around the corner, lets take a look at the Mystical Archive that is included in the set.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


It's a Mystical Day in this Neighborhood.
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Trick or Treat Bag 2020

Kids in spooky costumes have many a rules question, and if I don't get too distracted by how neat they look, I may have an answer or two.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Trick or Treat Bag 2020
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


It is that time again! Time to brush off your rules knowledge and test your skills with yet another one of those famous CI quiz articles! This week Moko has reached deep into the pool of knowledge to bring out some wonderful questions for you to take a crack at! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

The End of a Saga

The Star Wars saga is coming to an end this week, and to celebrate we have put together a galactic sized article! Make no mistake there are no Jedi mind tricks here, only the answers you seek to the questions you have! So join us in this week's epic adventure of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


The End of a Saga
By Nathan Long
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

A Song of Ice and Ire

Winter is coming. The elks are running around in full force, food is being harvested, and the questions are being answered! So read on in this week’s frosty edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


A Song of Ice and Ire
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Ravnica: Endgame

This is it, the end is neigh! Doom upon us all, a curse o' both our houses! The Planeswalkers of the multiverse have gathered together on the plane of Ravnica to fight the ultimate fight! Bolas has unleashed his mighty plans and the world is aflame! With the War of the Spark prerelease in our rear view we take a peak at some of the upcoming cards and their rules interactions! So join us in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (2 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Ravnica: Endgame
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Running with Blades

Life is oh so brief, and the search for ways to extend it seem like something everyone seeks. To that end we have put together answers to those rules questions you have been wanting to know, so you can smash your opponents and extend your life (at least in games of Magic)! Now if we can just get Moko to sit still long enough to answer all the questions. So read on in this week's extraordinary edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


Running with Blades
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 

Red & Green on Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve, and things are looking festive at the Cranial Insertion offices. The halls are decked with boughs of holly, mistletoe is hanging from the ceiling, and in keeping with the red/green color scheme, all the questions this week feature cards that are red and/or green. So join us in this week's Gruul-colored Christmas edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Red & Green on Christmas Eve
By Nathan Long
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


The temperature is blistering hot and so are these cards from the M19 Core Set! So we have put on the heat to respond to all of those burning rules questions you had!!! So join us for this week's sizzling edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


By Charlotte Sable
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 

A Quizzical Easter Egg Hunt

Spring is in the air and we have pulled out all of the stops for this years amazing Easter Egg Hunt challenge article! Join us for all the fun, excitement, and prizes* in this year's spring quiz edition of Cranial Insertion! (*Prizes include your enjoyment of the article, and the ability to gloat to friends)

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


A Quizzical Easter Egg Hunt
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Spring Forward

Switching up the clocks and springing forward an hour, so with less sleep we are bringing you as many answers to your questions that we could jam into out 23 hour day! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Spring Forward
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Winter Blast

Winter is coming, wait no it is still here... the recent blast of cold hitting the CI offices has us scrambling for warmer times. To that end we are firing up yet another article with all the question and answers you have come to know and love! So join us in this week’s exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (2 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Winter Blast
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

The Amazing Race

Rivals of Ixalan has landed and we are in a frenzy here getting all the challenges laid down for the racers this week. In order to prepare yourself, we have this handy dandy guide to all those bothersome rules questions you have been wanting to know! So read on in this week's fast paced edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


The Amazing Race
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 

Take Me Down To Orazca City

The grass is green and the people sure are pretty here in Orazca City! Now we just have to keep Moko from making a mess so we do not get thrown out of here. Turns out they frown upon Zombie Monkeys here, who knew? I suppose there will be a measure of peace when we are gone, plundering all the rules knowledge we can from this place and bringing it to you in yet another edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Take Me Down To Orazca City
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Out Like A Lamb

We've made it into April, which means we're that much closer to the release of Amonkhet, but we'll have to be patient for just a few more weeks. No April Fool's pranks here, but plenty of Magic rules knowledge as always, so join us for this week's April-fresh edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (2 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Out Like A Lamb
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Winter is Coming

As he peered over the wall, he could see off in the distance it was as he feared. Moko spat, uttering curses, he knew what was coming. So often it had come before, in the nightmares of child zombie monkeys. Those rules questions beguiling the mind and bewildering men for all ages, until the coming of the next weeks Cranial Insertion article. So read on and stay warm in this weeks wintery edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Winter is Coming
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


I see a moon rising, I see a trouble on the way! Do come around tonight to get all the answers to your lunar related rules questions and then some! So join us for this week's celestial edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


By Nathan Long
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


All hail our new undead overlords! The Eternal Masters have arrived! We have a jam packed article this week chock full of questions resurrected from the archives! Awaiting your reading pleasure! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Callum Milne (2 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


By Callum Milne
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Let Me Tax You a Question

Tax season is coming to a close in the US, but that is not stopping us from hiking the rates on your favorite questions. Though you might want to consult a real tax professional if you have not already filed your taxes. Now all we need to do is figure out what Moko did with ours. Join us for this week's excise free edition of Cranial Insertion!

By James Bennett (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Let Me Tax You a Question
By James Bennett
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Just Awesome

We have some awe inspiring answers to your esteemed questions! So read on for this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion and all its wonderment!

By Callum Milne (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Just Awesome
By Callum Milne
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Call me, May bee?

It is may and it might just be an exciting time in Magic the Gathering with Dragons possibly out and in full force and Modern Masters on the horizon. Well lets just see what could be in our mail bag from our readers and answer some of those exciting rules questions! So join us for this weeks potentially excessively exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By James Bennett (8 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Call me, May bee?
By James Bennett
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

I Need a Theros

I'm Holding Out for a Theros 'Till the End of the Night

Heróis, monstros, e minatauros, ena! Prepara-te para Theros, mais cedo que o normal, por isso lê a edição mítica da Cranial Insertion desta semana!

By Callum Milne (4 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


I Need a Theros
I'm Holding Out for a Theros 'Till the End of the Night
By Callum Milne
Translations: 繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

A Memorial Day Parade of Rules Questions

Ashes of the Fallen, Remember the Fallen, Honor the Fallen, Ob Nixilis the Fallen! It is Memorial Day in the States so join us as Carsten takes us through a cavalcade of rules questions and answers in this exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


A Memorial Day Parade of Rules Questions
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Where the Bunnies Roam

or, Getting Inside Your Head

Join Eli as he takes a journey into the inner workings of the brain. Oh, yeah and he answers some rules questions along the way! Read on with this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Eli Shiffrin (15 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Where the Bunnies Roam
or, Getting Inside Your Head
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

City Lights

or, Flaming Goblins in the Sky

Back in the City again! With the prereleases just finishing up and the release events coming up Ravnica is in full swing. Join us as we Return to Ravnica in this weeks Cranial Insertion!

By Eli Shiffrin (5 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


City Lights
or, Flaming Goblins in the Sky
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 
Raining Cats and Dogs
but Mostly Cats
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 
Realms... Charted?
By James Bennett
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Dawn of the Undead

Creatures undying all around us, what are we todo? Why, read this weeks Cranial Insertion, of course! This weeks edition with the standard compliment of zombies, humans, brains, and oh yeah, rules questions too!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


Dawn of the Undead
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 
Santa's Hidden Information Violation
or, The DCI's Most Awkward Disqualification
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 

High Five!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


High Five!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: English 

Kicking It

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Kicking It
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 

Freedom is Slavery

By Aaron Stevenson (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Freedom is Slavery
By Aaron Stevenson
Translations: English 

Ave Atque Vale

By Tom Fowler (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Ave Atque Vale
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 

Angels and Planeswalkers

By Diane Colley (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Angels and Planeswalkers
By Diane Colley
Translations: English 
Form of . . . a Snake!
or, Anything Beats the Sucky Wonder Twin
Who Always Turned Into a Puddle of Water
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 
Answering Spree
or, You Can Never Have Enough Questions
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 
Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shrouds
or, No More Obscure 80's Songs in CI Titles
By Ted Dickinson
Translations: English 
The Un-un Week
or, Yet Another Failed Attempt at a Stuffy Doll-less Article
By Ted Dickinson
Translations: English 

99 Questions of Rules on the Wall

By Thijs van Ommen (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


99 Questions of Rules on the Wall
By Thijs van Ommen
Translations: English 
Bloody Pens, Bloody Moons, Bloody Slivers
or, A Return to Abnormalcy
By Ted Dickinson
Translations: English 
And Thou Shalt Come to Judge
or, At Least Try to Judge
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 

Of Abilities and Effects

By Thijs van Ommen (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Of Abilities and Effects
By Thijs van Ommen
Translations: English 

Cauldron Bubble

By Thijs van Ommen (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Cauldron Bubble
By Thijs van Ommen
Translations: English 
Phasing and Flanking and Bands oh my!
or, You Put the Right Foot in, You Chop the Left Foot off...
By Moko
Translations: English 

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